The offshore oil and gas industry is on the vanguard of helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 and adapt to life beyond COVID-19, while still providing the safe and responsible energy that is a foundation of American economic and national security. Below you can find the story of one such company that is leading the industry's response:
One of these companies heavily involved in the COVID-19 response is Pharma-Safe, of Lafayette, Louisiana. Founded in 2005, Pharma-Safe provides Remote Industrial Paramedics, Clerks, Dispatchers, Logistics Coordinators, HSE Personnel, SEMS Compliance, HSE Trainers, Fire-Watch, CPR/AED/BBP Training, Wellness Programs, and the latest in Telemedicine Capabilities.
Pharma-Safe is providing on site healthcare screenings and has screened 54% of the people who work in the Gulf of Mexico, helping to ensure a safe, healthy and productive workforce. Pharma-Safe has also assembled a robust medical task force for COVID-19 patient care oversight in the work remote environment. In addition, Pharma-Safe has coordinated and conducted collaborative medical workshops along the Gulf Coast that will help offshore operators.
Pharma-Safe has also been an industry leader in working with Congress, medical officials and FDA-approved COVID-19 testing manufacturers to secure offshore workers. Pharma-Safe is part of the Oil and Natural Gas Subsector Coordinating Council (ONG SCC) and the NOIA Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) Committee. Pharma-Safe has also developed and shared a collaborative, HIPPA-compliant health screening database to track the trends and hotspots associated with the spread of COVID-19 and assisted offshore operators to secure personal protective equipment (PPE) resources.
Beyond, COVID-19, the mission of Pharma-Safe is to provide specialized resources to address the unique needs of the remote industrial community, focusing on delivery of a “day to day value” for the clients. Remote Industrial Paramedic/Clerk, or Remote Industrial Paramedic/HSE help meet this goal. PSIS Remote Paramedics are the most highly trained in the industry.
Learn more about Pharma-Safe here.