Biden Administration Should Immediately Resume Gulf of Mexico Lease Sales

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 15, 2021
NOIA Contact: Justin Williams, (202) 465-8464 |

Biden Administration Should Immediately Resume Gulf of Mexico Lease Sales

Washington, D.C. - National Ocean Industries Association President Erik Milito issued the following statement after a Federal judge blocked the Biden Administration’s suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and waters:

“As NOIA has consistently commented, the Department of the Interior is required by law to expeditiously develop America’s energy resources, and this includes the obligation to schedule and hold offshore oil and gas lease sales. Today’s ruling simply confirms the legal requirements. Any pause of American energy opportunities will do untold harm towards American economic, energy and environmental progress. As we emerge from the pandemic and move forward with economic growth, it is more important than ever that we seize the opportunity to produce oil and gas here in the U.S. to help avert potential inflationary risks and proactively ensure affordable energy for all walks of life, especially low income communities.

“The Gulf of Mexico provides no shortage of benefits to the American people. Offshore oil production has the lowest carbon intensity of the oil producing regions, supports more than 345,000 jobs, many of which are accessible, high-paying and cannot be easily substituted, and generates vital government revenues for conservation and recreation programs, including ones in economically distressed urban areas. The Obama Administration review of the 2017-2022 Five Year Plan for offshore oil and gas leasing determined GHG emissions would be higher without these lease sales because energy production would be outsourced to foreign counties resulting in a higher carbon footprint. All of these benefits coalesce around many of the priorities of the Biden Administration.

“The Biden Administration should promptly fulfill its obligation to the American people and capitalize on an American environmental and emissions success story by immediately resuming Gulf of Mexico lease sales. We stand ready to work with this Administration to continue to produce American energy while protecting the environment and striving to meet the goals of the Paris Accord on climate change.”


The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) represents and advances a dynamic and growing offshore energy industry, providing solutions that support communities and protect our workers, the public and our environment.

National Ocean Industries Association
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