In 2017, Hurricane Harvey and Tropical Storm Nate caused widespread damage and human suffering in the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, and exposed the vulnerabilities and strengths of American energy security. Thankfully, in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore energy facilities fared remarkably well compared to onshore energy facilities, many of which suffered catastrophic damage from flood waters.
Despite the frequency and intensity of hurricanes and tropical storms in 2017, there were no reported deaths or injuries among offshore workers, no reported damage to offshore facilities and no reported spills from offshore facilities. This is a testament to how well the offshore industry prepares for and responds to hurricanes.
Donate to Hurricane Harvey Relief
As the devastation from Hurricane Harvey becomes more evident, our thoughts are with our member companies, their employees and loved ones in the Gulf Coast. We are grateful to hear from those who have checked in as safe. We are inspired and heartened that many of you are doing everything possible, under difficult circumstances, to help others less fortunate. In this spirit, NOIA and NOIA staff have made a donation to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. NOIA members can view a list of highly-rated national and local charities accepting donations here.
Hurricane Information
Department of Energy Situation Reports:
Hurricane Harvey Event Summary #22
4:00 PM EDT | Thursday, September 7, 2017
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Activity Statistics:
BSEE Tropical Storm Harvey Activity Statistics: September 4, 2017
11:30 AM EDT | Monday, September 4, 2017
NOIA Hurricane Fact Sheet
Safety is always of the utmost importance for the offshore energy industry. Hurricane season in no different. The offshore industry takes extreme caution to make sure both workers and the environment are protected during Hurricanes. You can find out more about the steps the offshore industry takes during Hurricane season here:
Download the NOIA Hurricane Fact Sheet Here
Ongoing Recovery Operations
Houston is the energy capital of the world and the oil and gas companies along Hurricane Harvey's path are supporting recovery efforts in Houston an other impacted areas. Following are just a few ways the oil industry is helping rebuild affected communities.
The Corporate Hurricane: Houston CEOs Race to Mend a Battered Workforce
The Wall Street Journal, September 7, 2017
Harvey Update: American Spirit is Alive in Lonestar State
EnergyTomorrow, September 5, 2017
Oil Industry Mobilizes $23 Million for Hurricane Harvey Victims
Daily Caller, September 1, 2017
Operators boost Harvey relief efforts, resume some GoM oil production,
Offshore Magazine, August 29, 2017
Industry contributes to Harvey relief efforts in Texas,
Offshore Magazine, August 28, 2017
Companies pledge millions in Harvey donations,
FOX Business News, August 28, 2017
These Companies Are Donating Millions to Help Victims of Hurricane Harvey,
Fortune, August 28, 2017
Community Leadership
The whole industry has been engaged in helping to put Texas and Louisiana back on their feet. Following are just a few ways the oil and gas industry have aided those in need:
ExxonMobil has been a community partner in Beaumont for more than 100 years. #Harvey #EnergyStrong #BeaumontStrong #SETX #SETXnews
— ExxonMobil Beaumont (@exxonmobilbmt) November 7, 2017
FairfieldNodal is proud to present a corporate donation to the HPD Air Support Division for their heroic efforts during Hurricane Harvey.
— Fairfield Geotechnologies (@fairfieldgeotec) October 17, 2017
A convoy of military vehicles utilized an MPC terminal in #Kentucky en route to #Florida #HurricaneResponse
— Marathon Petroleum (@MarathonPetroCo) September 26, 2017
IAGC makes donation to @HoustonFoodBank to further Hurricane Harvey relief efforts & support Houston as it continues to heal. #HoustonStrong
— EnerGeo Alliance (@EnerGeoAlliance) September 25, 2017
Proud supporter of @leecollege Harvey Relief Fund, providing $5,000 in Exxon and Mobil gas cards for students affected by the storm
— ExxonMobil Baytown Area (@ExxonMobilBTA) September 25, 2017
Preparing our docks post #Harvey so fuel tankers can safely load cargo.
— ExxonMobil (@exxonmobil) September 18, 2017
Once a hero, always a hero. Great story by Shell's @lisa_jaster and her experience during #Harvey.
— Shell USA (@Shell_USA) September 13, 2017
Our employees' spirit -- and SPIRIT Values -- are bigger than #HurricaneHarvey. #ConocoPhillips #HoustonStrong
— ConocoPhillips (@conocophillips) September 8, 2017
#ICYMI: @HouUnitedWay relief fund grows to $16 million with $2.5 million gift from #ConocoPhillips. #HurricaneHarvey
— ConocoPhillips (@conocophillips) September 11, 2017
Communities coming together in response to adversity: Baytown loading supplies for Beaumont #TexasStrong @exxonmobilbmt @ExxonMobilBTA
— ExxonMobil (@exxonmobil) September 10, 2017
Amazing BHGE employees doing their part to help after Harvey!
— Baker Hughes (@bakerhughesco) September 9, 2017
Fueling The Folks Who Fuel The Corpus Christi Area After Hurricane Harvey #TexasStrong #oilandgas
— Texas Oil & Gas Association (@TXOGA) September 5, 2017
On the ground in Beaumont distributing water and toiletries to the community.
— ExxonMobil Beaumont (@exxonmobilbmt) September 7, 2017
#PortFourchon is proud to partner w #SLEC to assist...
SLEC To Offer Office Space To Harvey Affected Businesses:— Port Fourchon (@FourchonPort) September 7, 2017
This is how energy companies & their employees support the communities they call home: | @EnergyTomorrow blog
— Mary Schaper (@mcleschper) September 7, 2017
Sending love to Texas, y'all. Collecting supplies with @brfoodbank @CAUW
— ExxonMobil Baton Rouge (@ExxonMobilBRA) September 6, 2017
BP continues to provide 24/7 support to any #Houston employee impacted by #Harvey.
— bp America (@bp_America) September 6, 2017
We're in awe of one of our employees who worked to get medical supplies to children in need: #TexasStrong
— bp America (@bp_America) September 5, 2017
We're committed to helping the Baytown area rebuild after #Harvey. Our employees unload supplies @UnitedWayGBACC to assist with recovery.
— ExxonMobil Baytown Area (@ExxonMobilBTA) September 5, 2017
Thank you @BP_America for helping us help others effected by Harvey. More about our effort here: #HoustonStrong
— HillVets (@HillVets) September 5, 2017
.@ConocoPhillips will match all eligible employee & retiree donations to @RedCross & @HouUnitedWay $ for $. #HoustonStrong
— ConocoPhillips (@conocophillips) September 3, 2017
MPC donates $1 million for Texas storm recovery, will match employee donations #HarveyResponse
— Marathon Petroleum (@MarathonPetroCo) September 2, 2017
Our hearts go out to all those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We're contributing $1M to #HurricaneHarveyRelief Fund. #HoustonStrong
— Hess Corporation (@HessCorporation) August 31, 2017
.@ConocoPhillips supports #HurricaneHarvey gulf coast relief efforts with $5M in donations. @RedCross @HouUnitedWay
— ConocoPhillips (@conocophillips) August 30, 2017
This morning crews from our new project with @SABIC started Hurricane #Harvey cleanup in South Texas
— ExxonMobil (@exxonmobil) August 30, 2017
A group of MRO employees & contractors from Oklahoma gathering supplies to send to those in need in Texas. Thanks!
— Marathon Oil (@MarathonOil) August 30, 2017
To support flood relief efforts in our #Houston community, we’ve donated $750K to help those impacted by #Harvey:
— bp America (@bp_America) August 28, 2017
2/To help #HurricaneHarvey relief efforts in Texas, Chevron is making a $1M contribution to the American Red Cross:
— Chevron (@Chevron) August 28, 2017
1/We continue to monitor the devastating situation in TX & ensure employees & their families are safe in the aftermath of #HurricaneHarvey
— Chevron (@Chevron) August 28, 2017
BHP Billiton Foundation donates US$1.25 million to support Hurricane Harvey disaster relief @RedCross
— BHP (@bhp) August 30, 2017
We're donating $250 000 to @RedCross to aid relief efforts for #HurricaneHarvey. Want to help? 👉
— Equinor (@Equinor) August 29, 2017