Media Advisory: NOIA’s Randall Luthi to Testify at Senate Energy & Natural Resources

For Immediate Release: Monday, July 22, 2013

Contact:  Nicolette Nye, (202) 465-8463,



NOIA’s Randall Luthi to Testify at Senate Energy and Natural Resources

Committee Hearing


NOIA president Randall Luthi will testify before a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing tomorrow on S. 1273, the Fixing America’s Inequities with Revenues Act (FAIR Act).


Among other things, the FAIR Act would provide 37.5 percent of revenues to all offshore energy producing states, move the date on which revenue is shared with energy producing Gulf coast states from 2017 to 2014, and phase out the current cap on revenue sharing for these states.


Who: Randall Luthi, President, National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA)

What: US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hearing

Where: Room SD-366 of the Dirsken Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

When: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. ET


The hearing will be webcast live at:


A complete list of witnesses can be found at:





NOIA is the only national trade association representing all segments of the offshore industry with an interest in the exploration and production of both traditional and renewable energy resources on the nation’s outer continental shelf. NOIA’s mission is to secure reliable access and a fair regulatory and economic environment for the companies that develop the nation’s valuable offshore energy resources in an environmentally responsible manner. The NOIA membership comprises about 300 companies engaged in business activities ranging from producing to drilling, engineering to marine and air transport, offshore construction to equipment manufacture and supply, telecommunications to finance and insurance, and renewable energy.

National Ocean Industries Association
1120 G Street, NW • Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005

Phone: 202.347.6900 | Email: