For Immediate Release: Tuesday, October 31, 2023
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Administration Continues to Target Only Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas with Rice's Whale Restrictions
Washington, D.C. – National Ocean Industries Association President Erik Milito issued the following statement after National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries denied a petition filed by activist groups to establish a mandatory 10-knot speed limit and other vessel-related mitigation measures related to the Rice’s whale:
“Instead of singling out offshore oil and gas with measures like acreage removal, lease stipulations, and additional mitigation requirements, the Administration should follow a regulatory process that carefully considers both the economic and national security implications of its actions. It would be prudent for everyone – especially the whales – to place a primary focus on the well-documented habitat area in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.”
About NOIA
The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) represents and advances a dynamic and growing offshore energy industry, providing solutions that support communities and protect our workers, the public and our environment.