Founding Partner
Lot Sixteen
Colin Hayes is a big dork for energy and resources policy who spent a decade and a half on Capitol Hill.
As Staff Director at the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, and having played a central role in the advancement of several major pieces of legislation, there are not many policy issues Colin hasn't seen or challenges he hasn't navigated.
If you ask around, people will tell you that Colin is a straight shooter who can go deep on policy issues but with plenty of political sense to determine what is actually possible.
Before founding Lot Sixteen, Colin was lucky to have some tough bosses who knew the issues, their constituents, and how to pass legislation that mattered. It had an impact on his own view that talk is cheap, especially from lobbyists. And when Colin was on the other side of the table, listening to people doing what he is doing now, Colin only paid attention to the people who knew the substance as well as he did, and weren’t so zealous they failed to realize there is, almost always, another side to the story.
Colin grew up in New England, graduated from Hobart College in western New York and after moving to DC got a MBA from George Mason University. He lives in Alexandria, VA with his very patient wife, two wonderful kids and an adorable old mutt named Bell.