For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Contact: Nicolette Nye or Michael Kearns
(202) 347-6900
NOIA Applauds Issuance of Exploratory Offshore Wind Leases
WASHINGTON, DC – The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) applauds the Department of the Interior for today issuing five exploratory leases for offshore wind development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) offshore New Jersey and Delaware.
“The leases announced today are a step in the right direction toward a modern national energy program, that will include both traditional and renewable offshore energy sources in areas of the OCS where they make sense,” said NOIA president Tom Fry.
“The vast energy resources on the OCS, including offshore wind, are vital to the nation’s economic prosperity. These projects will result in a better understanding of offshore wind resources off the Atlantic Coast, and once producing, will provide clean, renewable offshore energy and well-paying jobs for Americans,” Fry said.
NOIA and its member companies continue to support an “all-of-the-above” national energy program. NOIA is proud to have member companies that will be producing renewable energy on the OCS in the near future.
NOIA is the only national trade association representing all segments of the offshore industry with an interest in the exploration and production of both traditional and renewable energy resources on the nation’s outer continental shelf. The NOIA membership comprises more than 300 companies engaged in business activities ranging from producing to drilling, engineering to marine and air transport, offshore construction to equipment manufacture and supply, telecommunications to finance and insurance.