NOIA President Randall Luthi Interviewed In Bloomberg BNA Story

bloomberg-bna-logo1_11360292Bloomberg BNA | Thursday, January 21, 2016 | Alan Kovski

NOIA President Randall Luthi was interviewed for part of the Thursday Bloomberg BNA column, "Obama's Last Year May Be Tough For Oil, Gas." Written by Alan Kovski, the story  appeared in Bloomberg's Energy and Climate Report. The article highlights concerns the oil and gas industry have with a looming deluge of regulations that the Obama Administration may unleash in 2016. Following is an excerpt from the article:

Oil companies are awaiting the rest of the policy. Among other things, the year could see more delays or even a moratorium on oil and gas leasing on federal onshore lands and a slimmed-down, restrictive five-year plan for offshore leasing.

“It's at the White House level that those decisions are going to be made,” Randall Luthi, president of the National Ocean Industries Association, told Bloomberg BNA. “Those are going to be political decisions.”

Obama may want to cement a legacy through last-year regulations, a prospect that especially worries the oil industry because of the president's emphasis on the dangers of climate change.

You can read the full article here.

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