For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
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Second Proposed Gulf of Mexico Wind Lease Sale Underscores Importance of Ongoing Lease Sales
Washington, D.C. - National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) President Erik Milito issued the following statement after the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it is issuing the Proposed Notice of Sale (PNS) for the next Gulf of Mexico wind lease sale. The proposed lease sale includes four areas offshore Louisiana and Texas, totaling 410,060 acres.
"Announcing the second Gulf of Mexico proposed notice of sale today underscores the importance of ongoing lease sales across all energy segments. The crucial outcome of October's Gulf of Mexico wind lease sale was the awarding of the first lease.
"Consistent lease sales, including for oil and gas and wind energy, are essential for maintaining a steady flow of energy production. Periods of inactivity in lease sales only serve to heighten uncertainty and risk pushing investment dollars overseas. Sustaining regular lease sales ensures energy continuity, fosters economic growth, and keeps the United States competitive in the global energy market.
"The need for regular, and increased, oil and gas and wind lease opportunities has never been greater. In our forward-thinking industry, securing new leases is vital for exploring and developing resources crucial to our nation. We applaud BOEM's announcement and urge Congress to continue bipartisan efforts in legislating offshore lease sales for both oil and gas and wind energy at regular intervals."
About NOIA
The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) represents and advances a dynamic and growing offshore energy industry, providing solutions that support communities and protect our workers, the public and our environment.