Keep it in the ground

Arctic Infrastructure: The Unintended Victim Of The Administration’s Offshore Energy Ban

Forbes | January 3, 2017 | Brigham A. McCown Last week, the Friday afternoon before Christmas, the Obama Administration announced its long expected offshore oil and gas leasing program for 2017 – 2022. Perhaps unsurprisingly given the timing of the statement, the decision was a […]

Obama’s Last-Minute Offshore Drilling Ban Could Be Illegal

Daily Caller | December 22, 2016 | Andrew Follett Outgoing President Barack Obama used his executive authority to “permanently” ban oil drilling in parts of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, but this move may be illegal, according to an industry group. Obama’s administration used a legal strategy […]

Energy Poverty Is Much Worse for the Poor Than Climate Change

Reason Magazine | November 25, 2016 | Ronald Bailey Some 1.2 billion people do not have access to electricity, according to the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook 2016report. About 2.7 billion still cook and heat their dwellings with wood, crop residues, and dung. In […]

Arctic drilling advocates draw up wish lists for Trump

E&E News | December 12, 2016 | Margaret Kriz Hobson Shortly before this summer's Republican National Convention, Alaska's all-Republican congressional delegation sent a letter to Donald Trump describing the "incredible bounty" of rich energy and mineral resources waiting to be developed in the state — if […]

The future of the Arctic

The Hill | November 18, 2016 | Senator Mark Begich During my time serving in the United States Senate, I witnessed my fair share of partisan rhetoric—especially when it came to Alaska’s energy potential. While politicians like to use the future of the Arctic as […]

Arctic energy could boost maritime industry

FuelFix | November 18, 2016 | Matthew Paxton With all of the amazing innovation going into transportation these days, those unaware might not envisage that such a historic trade as shipbuilding has a place. But in fact, the U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry continues to […]

Obama’s last chance to weigh in on Arctic drilling has industry worried, enviros hopeful

Alaska Public Media | November 15, 2016 | Rachel Waldholz In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s upset election victory, President Barack Obama still has two months left in office to close out policy decisions and try to cement any final pieces of his legacy. One […]

Obama Said to Block Selling New Drilling Rights in U.S. Arctic

Bloomberg | November 16, 2016 | Jennifer Dlouhy The Obama administration is set to block the sale of new oil and gas drilling rights in U.S. Arctic waters under a five-year blueprint, handing a victory to environmentalists who said the activity threatened whales, walruses and […]

Oil and Gas Groups Seek Additional Information and Transparency on New Financial Assurance Requirements for Offshore Producers

For Immediate Release: Monday, November 7, 2016 Contact:  Nicolette Nye, (202) 465-8463, Oil and Gas Groups Seek Additional Information and Transparency on New Financial Assurance Requirements for Offshore Producers NOIA, IPAA, LMOGA & GEST Submit Joint FOIA Requests to BOEM and DOI Washington, D.C. – The National […]

Consumers, Businesses, and Manufacturers Voice Support for Offshore Energy

BusinessWire | November 3, 2016 WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a letter sent to U.S. President Barack Obama and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today, groups representing consumers, businesses, and manufacturers from across the country urged the Obama administration to preserve its proposed 2017-2022 offshore oil and natural gas […]
National Ocean Industries Association
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