Keep it in the ground

Obama Admin officials express support for Arctic oil and gas development

Houston Energy Insider | October 28, 2016 | Heinsider Obama Administration officials and former leaders of U.S. Armed Forces expressed support for Arctic oil and gas development at an Atlantic Council event on Geopolitics, Security, and Energy in the Arctic, sponsored by the Arctic Energy […]

Nicolette Nye: The oil market is flooded, let’s prepare for the drought

Washington Examiner | October 27, 2016 | Nicolette Nye With gasoline prices low, it's tempting to kick the figurative can down the road when it comes to U.S. energy policy. The urgency to provide access to the nation's vast offshore oil and natural gas resources […]

Luthi: The right message from Deepwater Horizon

The Hill | October 25, 2016 | Randall Luthi Recently, the Peter Berg film Deepwater Horizon provided the Hollywood version of the Macondo Well accident. Putting the inaccuracies and biased slant aside, the film rightly reminded us of the bravery and sacrifice of the 126 […]

Media Hype Aside, Energy Industry Is Exceptionally Safe

Forbes | October 20, 2016 | Robert Bradley, Jr. The new movie Deepwater Horizon chronicles a few brave rig workers during the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This is a story worth telling, but the Deepwater disaster should not be taken as […]

Arctic drilling has vital role in energy, national security

FuelFix | October 25, 2016 | Erik Milito They’re calling it “mega,” “massive,” “major.” A new oil discovery in shallow waters off Alaska’s North Slope could contain 6 billion barrels of crude oil – singlehandedly increasing Alaska’s oil reserves by 80 percent and potentially producing […]

Sailing into the Arctic’s Future

MarineLink | October 17, 2016 | Randall Luthi Last month, a large cruise ship completed its inaugural cruise through the Northwest Passage. The historic journey brought nearly 1,700 passengers from Seward, Alaska, past the rugged wilderness and isolated villages of the Arctic, to the concrete […]

On Arctic Energy Development, Listen To The Locals

The Daily Caller | September 30, 2016 | Cliff Dolchok In the halls of Washington, regulators are now considering a five-year offshore leasing program that will largely determine Alaska’s role as an energy producer well into the future. Specifically, officials will decide whether to retain […]

Oceana does little to further an important and complex discussion

The Hill | September 29, 2016 | Lucas Frances Yesterday the environmental group Oceana authored a piece in these pages which attacked the Arctic Energy Center and Arctic Coalition as fronts for the oil and gas industry. We at the AEC welcome a discussion about Arctic […]

A Better Way on Energy Policy: An American Success Story

Morning Consult | September 8, 2016 | Rep. Fred Upton In a world often confronted with bad news, positive developments are welcome. Our nation’s energy situation is providing such relief to what’s often a drought of good news. Abundant supply, new technologies, market forces, and […]

Offshore Arctic Development; Alaskans Look North to Future

Real Clear Energy | September 16, 2016 | Mead Treadwell Alaska’s state motto, “North to the Future,” represents our state as a land of promise. Alaskans believe in that promise, and in an overwhelming response to the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management […]
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