NOIA Statement on BOEM Rescinding Record of Decision for Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale

For Immediate Release: Friday, February 12, 2021
NOIA Contact:  Justin Williams, (202) 465-8464 |

Obama Administration Conducted Multiple Environmental Reviews of Current Gulf of Mexico Lease Sales, Considered Climate Impacts

Washington, D.C. – National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) President Erik Milito issued the following statement after the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced that it is rescinding the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 257:

“We remain hopeful that the Administration will proceed with the lease sale upon completion of its review. Pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, Interior completed multiple environmental reviews and specifically considered the climate impacts in 2016 during the Obama Administration.

“The Obama Administration review of the 2017-2022 Five Year Plan for offshore oil and gas leasing determined GHG emissions would be higher without these lease sales because energy production would be outsourced to foreign counties resulting in a higher carbon footprint. Offshore oil production has the lowest carbon intensity of the oil producing regions and supports more than 345,000 jobs, many of which are accessible, high-paying and cannot be easily substituted.”


The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) represents and advances a dynamic and growing offshore energy industry, providing solutions that support communities and protect our workers, the public and our environment.
National Ocean Industries Association
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